Click Here to sign-up for FVRR bingo shifts
Bingo is an activity run by the “Baron Booster Club of Fountain Valley High School”, whose purpose is to “Provide funds to Fountain Valley High School”. It is run at Fountain Valley High School in the school cafeteria on almost every Thursday night of the year (including summer).
FVRR (as well as other Booster groups supporting FVHS students/programs) earns money by filling bingo work shifts with FVRR supporters/boosters.
Below are some FAQs about the FVRR regarding Bingo:
Question: How many shifts is my family asked to work?
Answer: We ask each family to work 3 bingo shifts per year for FVRR (regardless of how many students you have in the FVRR program).
Question: How do I sign up for my families Bingo Shifts?
Answer: Sign ups are available at the June FVRR kickoff meeting, and at booster meetings. A link to the sign-up form will also be shared on the Band app and by email.
Question: What if I do not want to work Bingo (e.g. no time, against my beliefs, etc.)?
Answer: There are various reasons for not working bingo shifts and we respect that. We do ask that if you are not going to work any bingo shifts, that you contribute $50 per shift (so $150) as a buyout. We budget for the income from Bingo based on the number of FVRR families to help fund the FVRR program, so if you are not going to work 3 shifts or pay the buyout, we will be short that much in income to help cover the expenses of this program.
Question: Do I have to work my shifts or can I have someone else work them on my behalf?
Answer: You can have someone work them on your behalf. Just make sure that they indicate that they are working them for you when they sign up.
Question: I’ve worked my 3 shifts, can I work more to earn credit for my family pledge account?
Answer: Yes, however 1st priority is giving to people trying to satisfy their 3 shifts. If there are additional shifts that need to be filled, those can be available for credit.
Question: How much time do I have to work the 3 shifts?
Answer: The 3 shifts can be worked anytime throughout the school year. We use a July 1st – June 30th rolling year (follows our Fiscal Year).
Question: What if I cannot work the shift I signed up for?
Answer: Contact the FVRR Bingo Manager ( at least 48 hours prior to the shift so we can find a replacement. If an FVRR volunteer is a no-show for an assign shift, the Bingo Program will charge FVRR $50…we will pass this cost on to you (on your Family Pledge statement) if you did not notify us in advance! Please help us avoid these costs by contacting the FVRR Bingo Manager as soon as possible.
If you have any other Bingo questions, please contact the FVRR Bingo Manager at:
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Fountain Valley High School
Royal Regiment Booster Association
P.O. Box 20168
Fountain Valley, CA 92728